Monday 30 January 2017

Gate Automation System- A Requirement for Providing Security

Crime rate is taking its toll on everyone and is rising day by day. Every single day we come across news of robbery. It makes us to think more about the safety of our house. However, to get complete protection from any theft possibilities, Gate Automation System can be installed. Such gates can be mounted in different sized properties. However, they are not much popular among common masses but have a niche in markets recent days. Such gateways come in diverse automated kits, some common ones are mentioned below.
·         Sliding kits- such a kit is preferred for an area having a small space. Designed in a manner that it occupies less room, such gates are ideal for places where swing gates cannot be used.
·         Underground kits- such kits are ideal for any space and for any premises. These are long lasting and reliable, which is one of the greatest advantages.
·         Above ground gate kits- ideal for diverse individual needs, it gives a swift opening to the gate. Such kits are excellent options for places, where gates are open and closed more frequently.
To give a robust structure to these kits, Automatic Gate Motor is used as the power-supplying machine. The motor installed in the structure is protected well with base plates, so that it is not eroded at times of rain and other factors that can cause damage. Installation work is best to be done by experts, as this process is technical one. Hence, needs skilled personnel for installing the gates. A nominal fee is charged for the services provided.

Vishwas Automation has successfully completed the installation of pedestrian barrier system that are designed to provide ultimate protection to your precious equipment and also aids in guiding the pedestrians away from hazardous areas to prevent any loss of man or materials.